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  • Major consequences for that one question; "Do you know Jesus?"

    Employee Stefan van den Berg: This afternoon a man suddenly appeared at the gate. I walk to the gate and ask him if he is looking for someone. He asks about 2 blonde volunteers. He told us that he was also at GH 3.5 years ago and that there were 2 Dutch volunteers who had asked him if he knew Jesus? He was still a Muslim at the time. The volunteers of Goeie Hoop had prayed with him if he could get to know Jesus. After that time something special happened. Jesus spoke to him and told him to go to Bible school. But the Bible school cost 25,000 Rand and he had no money at all for this. He decided to go to the Bible school in Bloemfontein and someone there gave him a paper. He read that he could attend Bible school for free. This was the first miracle he experienced. He has now completed Bible school and is now back in the Western Cape to preach the Gospel to the Muslims. Last Sunday he went to visit his family after a long time, but they closed the door for him. I ask him; "How do you proceed now?" He tells a story about 2 farmers. One farmer is preparing his field and God gave rain. The other farmer did nothing and there was no rain. We prayed together for God to lead his way and it came to my heart to help this man on his way. Thank you Lord, Your grace is great!
